We opened up this weekend at the ESU Open. I was eagerly awaiting to get started this season. I knew the preseason was a good one and I wanted to see the guys in action. JP O'Connor picked up where he left off and placed first and looked real good doing it. Corey Jantzen placed 3rd in his first collegiate tournament. He lost a tough one in the semis but looked very tough throughout the day. Andy Olsen, another freshman, placed 4th and did a great job. We went without 3 of our best wrestlers. Robbie Preston will join us second semester while Andrew Flanagan (157) and Louis Caputo (184) are nursing injuries and should rejoin lineup very soon. Everyone looked good. It was a crazy tournament because there were so many entries that mid afternoon they just stopped having wrestle-back matches. We would've never finished the tournament if we didn't do that. Unfortunately that cut into some matches our guys could've had though. If they lost before the semis, they were done. We definitely have some work to do before Vegas. This week is a short week with Thanksgiving so its very important that we are efficient in our workouts. We give them Thursday, Friday and Saturday off with our return practice on Sunday evening which will be open to the public. We got through the tournament pretty much injury free. Andy Olsen sprained his knee in his last match but hopefully it isn't too bad. That's one of the biggest concerns in these early tournaments but we got through pretty smoothly. Vegas is looming and we need to perform well!