We had a great preseason. It was four weeks of 4 days a week of lifting followed by conditioning and/or drilling on the mat. There was a slight change in plans with our conditioning as we found out the outdoor track was under construction and the indoor track was in use by the track team. Most of our workouts were supposed to be timed sprints on track. So we shifted everything to the stadium and did TONS of stadium work. I personally believe this is the best off the mat workout we do. The guys definitely got a lot better and by the end were just killing the stadium! We actually did so much work on the stadium, it caught the eye of ESPN the Magazine. Tomorrow (Wednesday, October 18) ESPN Mag is coming to Cambridge to do a photo shoot of our guys working out on the stadium! I am really excited about this opportunity. Our guys are going to the tanning bed in the morning before the shoot (just kidding).
We started official practice this past Monday. Basically we are in the room now everyday. We are still down at the Murr Center so its taking some getting used to training down here for real. Our move back to the MAC is scheduled for this coming Sunday so I will be much happier once we are back 'home'.
Everyone is healthy and looking great! Now we have to keep it that way. more to come. . . .